Knowledge & Power – Girls in the Know • St. Louis, MO Photography

The incredible weekend by Girls in the Know was presented by Express Scripts and Co-Hosted with Eileen Fisher.  The events included a Keynote Conversation with Sil & Eliza Reynolds on Saturday, a workshop retreat for 20 mom/daughter pairs spanning Saturday and Sunday, and a book reading party on Sunday afternoon.  All the events focused on improving the mom/daughter relationship and reminding all of us that these connections help amazing young women grow up with high self-esteem that helps them on their path to follow their dreams.

A few favorite frames from the Keynote Conversation with Sil & Eliza Reynolds at Kirkwood High School.

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A few moments from the Mom/Daughter Workshop Retreat at Maryville University.

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A few photographs from the Book Signing inside the Eileen Fisher store at Plaza Frontenac.

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On a personal note, not only did I have the opportunity to photograph the event for Girls in the Know, but I also had the opportunity to attend the Workshop Retreat with my beautiful step-daughter, Maddie.

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I can tell you our relationship is forever changed in the most positive and meaningful way after experiencing the weekend together.  Not only do I feel more connected to her 11 year old heart, but I feel like she knows without a doubt that I’m here for her – to do my step-“mothering” to the best of my ability.  I have seen her actively engage in some amazing step-“daughtering” in the last two weeks.  Even new traditions like weekly “afternoon tea” (after school for her and as a work break for me) or sharing 3 words to check-in, have improved our connection and are are truly something special between us.  We are reading Sil & Eliza’s book – me from the front back and her from the back forward.  I can’t wait to share with each other what resonates from those pages.  The big surprise for me from the weekend, wasn’t only my relationship growth with Maddie, but also reflecting on my role as a daughter.  I had the opportunity last weekend to hug my Mom when she was in town visiting for my birthday.  When she left to head back to Chicago, I hugged her tighter, committing to myself to make more time for our relationship too.  Even if just 15 minutes a week in this “full” life I seem to lead these days.

If you are a Mom, or a Daughter, I really recommend reading Sil & Eliza’s book, Mothering & Daughtering.  If presented the opportunity, attend one of their Mom/Daughter Workshop Retreats with your mom/daughter!

Below is a short trailer video summarizing the amazing weekend!

GITK 2016 (short) from Sarah E Studios on Vimeo.


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